Why basic auto insurance isn’t always the right choice

If you are concerned about basic auto insurance coverage in the state of Iowa, you can turn to the team at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. As independent insurance agents, we work for our clients, not for the insurance carriers, and we are in a position to provide more chosen and the best possible deals. In Iowa, basic auto insurance is 20/40/15. 

What is basic auto insurance?

In Iowa, basic insurance is liability coverage, which protects other drivers from you and an accident you may be responsible for. It will take care of medical expenses and legal action if you get sued. It also covers damage to personal property like their vehicle or another vehicle or stationary item like a fence or pole. The rates of 20/40/15 are very basic and if you have assets, not enough. 

Do you have an auto loan or lease?

If you have an auto loan or are leasing a vehicle, basic auto insurance won’t be acceptable. You have to cover the vehicle with collision and comprehensive coverage. 

Do you use your car daily?

If you don’t use your vehicle every day to run errands, go to work, or take children to school and appointments, then maybe you can live with basic insurance that will not allow you to repair or replace your vehicle. But if you are like most vehicle owners, you will find it difficult to live without a means of transportation. 

Can you afford to replace or repair your vehicle?

If you can afford to repair your vehicle yourself, replace it if needs be, or if it has no real value, then basic insurance may be the right choice for you. 

Reach Out To Us

Contact our office at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. in Iowa, when you have questions or need to discuss your auto insurance coverage.